The Feedback Loop

Positive feedback makes the output go more in the direction of the input, it makes small changes of the input into bigger changes

What Is Remote Viewing?

Remote viewing is a novel perceptual discipline for gaining information not available to the ordinary physical senses. Used extensively by so-called “psychic spies” during the Cold War for classified military projects, it has a long history both as an intelligence gathering tool and as the subject of research and applications in the civilian world. Remote viewing has now taken a long step into the public domain with the formation of a professional association to educate, research, propose standards, test performance, and promote public awareness of this unique human mental capacity.

International Remote Viewing Association

Who is a Remote Viewer?

A remote viewer is an individual who uses structured protocols to seek out impressions about a target that is hidden / shielded from the traditional 5 senses of sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing. Remote Viewing in effect is a form of controlled clairvoyance – these protocols help a remote viewer collect information at a distance using their intuition.

Remote Viewing with John and Peter

John is a Remote Viewer. John wants to remote view something. In order for him to practice he must find someone to select a target for him to view in order to stay blind to the target. Peter agrees to select a target for John to view. The person who selects the target is often called the Tasker.

Without John’s knowledge Peter cuts out an image of the Eiffel Tower from a travel magazine. Peter wants John to describe the Eiffel Tower when he performs the Remote Viewing Session. Peter seals the image of the Eiffel Tower in an opaque envelope so that there is no possibility of John seeing the image that has been selected. Peter then assigns what is called a “Target ID” or target co-ordinate to the image he has selected which is a random string of numbers/letters. He uses a random number generator which produces the digits 5784-9483. Peter then labels the front of the Opaque envelope with the Target ID.

Now Peter can inform John that “The target is 5784-9483”. This Target ID is used to keep John BLIND! If Peter told John “The target is the Eiffel Tower” or “The target is a structure in Paris” it wouldn’t be very impressive if John’s description matches the image in the sealed envelope.

John can now sit down in his office with a stack of paper and do his Remote Viewing process. All he knows is that “The target is 5784-9483”. Using that Target ID as a starting point in his Remote Viewing session John will perceive and record his impressions of sights, smells, sounds, tastes, textures, concepts and any other perceptions that cross his mind.

When John is finished his Remote Viewing session he shares his data with Peter – ONLY THEN does Peter open the envelope and show John the image that was sealed inside! This is called giving the remote viewer Feedback.

Try Remote Viewing for Yourself

It isn’t necessary to use printouts and envelopes to create targets, targets can be selected and made digitally using images from online sources and placed into a PDF document, text or image file – what’s important is that there is a Target ID assigned to it which is shielded from the Remote Viewer. Here at The Feedback Loop we have created a Target Pool so you can try Remote Viewing for yourself! No need to wait for a tasker!